Refugee Center


 Play nice, do what your Mother has taught you. If you are having a problem with another member of the guild...keep it OFF THE BOARD! If you can not get your differences settled ask for help from someone in the council. Please follow neopet rules. They are listed at the bottom of every neopet page...under Terms and Conditions. Remember~ Neopets CAN READ EVERYTHING you write on their site. Please remember NOT to talk about our games and contests at the message board...these have to be off neopets site. We can send neomails and talk about it at the Hangout.(Please DO NOT post any off site URLs at our board. This is against neopet rules.) This can be posted at the Hangout. We will not knowingly let anyone under 25 in. Our group voted to be adult only, this was so we would have the comfort of speaking about any issues we wanted to at the board without worrying we would up set a child. Accounts:you can have 3 'Old Friends' and one main account in the guild. Neopets says you can have 4 accounts.

                 GUILD PROMOTIONS

When you first join the guild you are a new Friend. After 1 month you will be promoted to good Friend. You must post at the board the first week you join to get a promotion. The more active you are the faster you can be promoted. After 3 months you will be promoted to best Friend. Unless you are very active at our board, then you could be promoted ahead of time. If you plan to be away from neopets for a long period of time please let someone on the council know. You could lose your place at the guild or even be deleted from the guild if we think you are gone or not interested in being in the guild any longer. If you don't post at the board once in a while we will think you do not want to be in the guild any longer. So...please don't forget to say howdy once in a while

Garden Of Hope Gallery, Now Open

 Donations are greatly appreciated and will be placed in our garden shop to view. You can send or trade donations to betterhome. In keeping with the closeness of our refugee guild,  The Garden of Hope gallery will be ever changing just like our lives. The Garden of Hope Faerie will endeavour to bless those special members in their time of need If you have a memorial or dedication please send it to betterhome.


 It takes a lot of understanding, time and trust to gain a close friendship with someone. As we approach a time in our lives of complete uncertainty, friends and family are our most precious asset. Our garden has been lovingly planted by many hands, some with tears some with joy, please enjoy...go take a walk though the BEAUTIFUL GARDEN each item has a meaning to someone.

Please people, do not talk about our games and activities at our board. These all have to be off site of Neopets. So when talking about PRIZES we will call them GIFTS.  The Friday Word Quest Trades will say, Refugees F.W.Q. from now on.
Sorry it has to be this way but we must follow Neopets rules.


 (c) 2000-2006 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

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